You are a star performer and we are a stage on which you can perform your best work. That's language I use to explain who we are and who we can be to our client base. We provide a stage, a platform if you prefer. On that stage our clients, lawyers and their teams, find all of the things they need to perform to their chosen audience - their clients.

Legal Technology
Our props - the things on stage - are a crucial part of the reassurance of not just what we do, but how we do it. Collaboration is at the heart of our offering and that collaboration extends beyond the people we serve and our suppliers. It includes the technology we use and how we use it - whether are master or servant of IT!
Bamboo can help level the playing field between small firms and their larger counterparts.
Large law firms have all this covered with a small army of experts in scoping, sourcing, procuring and implementing technology into their firms. Despite this large law firm IT change projects are not always a smooth ride! But what about smaller firms, boutiques, new entrants or those looking to grow and develop? How can they be expected to access the same resources and know how as large firms? And what happens if they can't, but go ahead into tech procurement anyway? Wowed by the sales pitch on how an application is a solution to all their problems (many of which they didn't know they had), they go ahead and buy. Often regretting at leisure as the system they chose doesn't do what they thought it would or needs a lot of work to make it really useful. All delay, cost and distraction from getting on with the business of law.
It's not a level playing field
Bamboo can help level the playing field between small firms and their larger counterparts. We have done the scoping, sourcing, procuring and implementing of a range of IT applications - let's use some jargon and call it a "tech stack". The tech stack is designed to be a part of the platform, the stage on which our brands and lawyers "do their thing".
A key part of any law firm's tech stack is the practice management system it uses. Since 2018 the Bamboo Group has used Actionstep as it's core practice management system. It's evolved with us and our broad range of needs and we have enjoyed the ability to configure it to do what our people and brands need.
We didn't choose Actionstep lightly. To find out more about what led us here and what has kept us why not have a read of this case study recently prepared by Actionstep with input from our CEO, Michael Burne. There's a link to download below and we won't even ask for your details to get it!
or you can visit the Actionstep website to read more here:
If looking for a great stage, with props to match let's talk about how Bamboo can support your practice and the business plan for your firm. Get in touch with Michael for a private chat.
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